"Where am I going?"- Wed 3rd day-
Posted by Andrew and Ruth Newlove in Blog on Oct 29, 2012
“Identity” Oct 21-24 2012 New Vision Church Youth Camp |
Ruth preached the first session. Titled: “GO!” using Jeremiah 1 to share with the youth that whatever we find ourselves doing, wherever we are; our calling is to go into all the world and preach the Gospel! Using some of her own testimony and explaining her desire to be a missionary encouraged the Youth to reach for God and not for material possessions. To build your treasure in heaven and NOT on earth because…YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU! |
To demonstrate “going” we played a team game with more balloons! |
Andrew preparing for his preach while babysitting at the same time! Talent!
Andrew preached the second session, “HEAVEN” -this is our final destination. He spoke about being prepared for Christ’s return, and to do this through reading our Bibles and praying. |
He asked all the youth to write on a piece of paper where they would travel to if they could go anywhere of their choice. |
Each team took a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and had to complete the picture. As with one piece of puzzle, we don’t know what heaven is fully like yet. This was to demonstrate our Identity (life) is just a small part of something bigger; that we will never see completely until we get to our glorious home in the sky= HEAVEN.
After lunch we wanted to seal our revelation about our Identity in Christ: Past, Present and Future. |
The mark that I leave behind is of Jesus and not of myself. |
We said a big thank you to the two ladies who cooked for us! |