Beauty for Ashes KMT’s Celebration Aug 31st
Posted by Andrew and Ruth Newlove in Blog on Oct 6, 2013
We had an amazing day of honouring all eleven women who have completed the counselling for their heart healing from baby loss, miscarriage, abortion and failed abortion.
All eleven of these women were blessed on this special day where we presented them with hampers and certificates. The Hampers were made possible because of Home Truths our dear friends in the UK who run a creative business of bringing truth from their home to yours through scripture based prints, cards. Please visit their website and buy something nice for your house! The proceeds go to the best cause! The Gospel! Enjoy the pics!

Seaside Park Resort. Celebration for 11 women who courageously stepped out to share their stories, receiving healing from Jesus and move forward into everything God has for them. her testimony about how she blamed her husband for getting her pregnant…she laughed…and how through Jesus she has forgiven him and how her relationship with her husband has healed. Eva’s husband was here on this special day to support her with their four children and his mother and sister. Its a family affair!

Pastora Evangeline…her testimony was she thought because it happened such a long time ago her heart was ok…but before the counselling she had started to think about her stillborn twins and felt terrible guilt…during the counselling she was freed and now i know she will be a Know More Tears Advocate.

Brave Cynthia.. they lost their home and had nowhere to go…and she has four children and shared her baby loss story.

Families and friends who came to watch their mothers, sisters and daughters proclaim their healing on a topic never talked about and their found freedom in their sharing their secret.